Welcome to
Access Alliance
USDA - National Forest Trail Preservation Project
Montana’s National Forests offer a great deal of diversity. They support many recreational user group activities, have robust wildlife habitat and provide good paying jobs that support Montana families. Utilizing the resources of this area to produce the best possible outcome, for as many as possible, while preserving the area's ecosystem is in our opinion a worthy undertaking.
Please come join us in our efforts.
Educational Travel Maps
Access Alliance has partnered with the Friends Of The Little Belts and the GFTBRA to provide 30,000 multi use trail system maps. These maps are free of charge to the public, show detailed trail system information and provide important educational material about the region.
Trail Clearing
Trail maintenance is an ongoing part of outdoor recreation. The work done by volunteers and user groups is many times the only thing keeping trail systems and public lands accessible. Access Alliance works with multiple organizations to facilitate workshops, hiring trail crews, setting up work days and fundraising. Contact us to find out what we have going on in your specific area.
Advocacy, Education and Outreach
Access Alliance is always looking for great ways to get involved. We are currently partnered with the USDA-Forest Service to conduct trail maintenance projects in Custer-Gallatin, Beaverhead-Deerlodge, Helena-Lewis & Clark National Forest. More information will be provided as these relationships develop. If you have a recommendation for a potential group partnership or have a great idea to support public access in our area, please reach out; we would love to speak with you about it.
Get Involved
Want to get your hands dirty? Join us for an upcoming Work Day.
Can’t join us in person? No worries! Your donation will help fund the work in this area.